#1500 J-Max Flex Treat – HP Fi Heavy-Duty Diesel Fuel Supplement
J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is a heavy-duty, multi-functional diesel fuel supplement formulated for ULTRA-LOW diesel fuels that are on the market today. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT also contains a CETANE IMPROVER for faster, cleaner starts and improved power and restored power in troubled engines. State of the art LUBRICITY additives restores lubricity requirements that are removed through the refining process. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is a multi-use additive formulated to treat fuels under varied conditions of operation and use. This not only allows user to correct problem situations in varied equipment and also help control treatment costs. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is also available in a WINTERIZED version NO. 1511W WINTERIZED J-MAX FLEX-TREAT.J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is a heavy-duty, multi-functional diesel fuel supplement formulated for ULTRA-LOW diesel fuels that are on the market today. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT also contains a CETANE IMPROVER for faster, cleaner starts and improved power and restored power in troubled engines. State of the art LUBRICITY additives restores lubricity requirements that are removed through the refining process. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is a multi-use additive formulated to treat fuels under varied conditions of operation and use. This not only allows user to correct problem situations in varied equipment and also help control treatment costs. J-MAX FLEX-TREAT is also available in a WINTERIZED version NO. 1511W WINTERIZED J-MAX FLEX-TREAT.
Download the #1500 J-Max Flex Treat Brochure
1500 is available in quarts, 12 per case.

#1511W Winterized J-Max™ with De-Icer
WINTERIZED J-MAX is a third generation multi-functional diesel fuel additive formulated for ULTRA-LOW No. 2 distillate fuels and BIO blended fuels. WINTERIZED J-MAX vastly improves the low temperature operability of no.2 fuels, contains a Cetane improver and a NEW GENERATION heavy-duty detergent cleaner that provides outstanding injector cleanliness. WINTERIZED J-MAX contains the latest cold flower improver developed strictly for ULTRA-LOW fuels and BIO BLENDED fuels which are marketed today. WINTERIZED J-MAX will lower the operability of the fuel 10 F to 20 F below the cloud point of the fuel. WINTERIZED J-MAX is a varied ratio WINTERIZED formulation to provide one winter product that covers the many problems encountered in wintertime operation and helps hold treatment cost to a minimum.
Download the #1511W Winterized J-Max™ with De-Icer Brochure
1511 is available in quarts, 12 per case.
#1571W J-Max
1571 J-MAX will prevent the settlement of wax crystals in cold fuel by further reducing wax crystal size in ULTRA-LOW No. 2 distillate fuels and BIO blended fuels. 1571 J-MAX vastly improves the low temperature operability of no.2 fuels, contains a Cetane ignition improver, heavy-duty detergent cleaner that provides outstanding injector cleanliness. 1571 J-MAX contains the latest cold flower improver developed strictly for ULTRA-LOW fuels and BIO BLENDED fuels which are marketed today. 1571 J-MAX will lower the operability of the fuel 10 F to 20 F below the cloud point of the fuel. 1571 J-MAX also has a de-icer that will lower the freezing point of fuel.
Download the #1571W J-Max Brochure
This Product is not available in Quarts.

#1601 Flex-Treat Anti-Gel Concentrate W/De-Icer
FLEX-TREAT ANTI-GEL is a highly concentrated cold flow improver that will lower cold weather operability substantially. FLEX-TREAT ANTI-GEL breaks the wax crystals that form into much smaller particles which vastly improves filterability for winter operation. FLEX-TREAT ANTI-GEL also contains lubricity/anti-wear agents to replace the sulfur that is removed during the refining process to hold pump wear to a minimum. FLEX-TREAT ANTI-GEL when used as recommended will lower operability 10-20°F below the cloud point of the fuel and as a highly concentrated formulation affords a very low treatment cost.
Download the #1601 Flex-Treat Anti-Gel Concentrate W/De-Icer Brochure
1601 is available in quarts, 12 per case.
#1671W Anti-Gel W-WASA
1671 ANTI-GEL has a mixture of Polymers in Hydrocarbons and contains a Paraffin Dispersing Agent that keeps wax crystals in suspensions. 1671 ANTI-GEL also breaks down the wax crystals so they form into much smaller particles which vastly improves filterability for winter operation. 1671 ANTI-GEL also contains lubricity/anti-wear agents to replace the sulfur that is removed during the refining process to hold pump wear to a minimum. 1671 ANTI-GEL when used as recommended will lower operability 10-20°F below the cloud point of the fuel and as a highly concentrated formulation affords a low treatment cost. 1671 ANTI-GEL also has a De-icer that will lower the freezing point of fuel.
Download the #1671W Anti-Gel W-WASA Brochure
This Product is not currently available in quarts.

#2500 Oxi-Boost Gasoline Treatment
Oxi-Boost is a new improved gasoline treatment package formulated to blend with gasoline containing up to 20% ethanol. The mixed combination of gas/ethanol/2500 Oxi-Boost goes through the fuel system and our Oxi-Boost cleans the intake valves, the fuel injectors, & the combustion chamber. The results of the Oxi-Boost cleaning the entire fuel system of the carbon, mostly created by the ethanol, are: optimized fuel economy, maximized power and acceleration, reduced emissions, and the 2500 Oxi-Boost protects against corrosion.
2500 Oxi-Boost is also available in Quarts and Pints, 12 per case.